Live sessions
SAFECOMP 2020 sessions will be held using the Zoom platform, at the time indicated in the conference program. DECSoS and DepDevOps Workshops will also use Zoom. USDAI attendants must get information from the workshop organizers and for WAISE, please check the respective website.
The links to join the sessions will be sent to all participants by e-mail.
Sessions will be organised pretty much like in a physical meeting. Authors will present their paper within the allocated time, leaving 5 minutes for questions. Attendants may use the Zoom chat window to ask questions (even during the presentation), or may raise their hand to ask a question after the presentation. The session chair will decide which questions to ask, possibly voicing or pointing to those that have been written in the chat window, or giving turn to attendants with a raised hand, or asking a question herself/himself.
Paper presentations
Authors must prepare their presentation as usual, using whatever tool they want. The presentations will be given by sharing the presentation window on Zoom, which will be seen by all attendants. We recommend that authors also prepare a prerecorded video of the presentation. The video can be stored somewhere and a link to it should be sent to the local organisation email address . We will download it and it will be only used as a backup, should some problem prevent the live presentation to be given. The video will not be publicly shared by SAFECOMP but authors are free to share it if they want.
Discussion channels
Interactions between participants and with paper authors will be supported by Mattermost discussion channels. There will be a Coffee Breaks channel for general discussions/comments and one channel for each paper and keynote talk. Participants will receive an email with information for registering on the SAFECOMP Mattermost platform. Within the platform, participants will need to subscribe to the channels they are interested in.
Registration desk
In physical conferences there’s a registration desk to where attendants can go when they have some question or problem. In this virtual instantiation of the conference, all questions should be sent to the organisation email address: